KouteKreyol: Listen to Kreyol, MP3 Publishing, Ann Aprann Kreyol, Kreyol Pou Tout Moun
Koute Kreyol - Listen to Kreyol Audio, Ann Aprann Kreyol - Let's Learn Kreyol, Free Kreyol for Everybody, Haitian Creole for Everybody, Kreyol pou Timoun, Kreyol for Kids, Kids' Kreyol Multimedia, Sak pase Nap Boule booklets, Sak pase n-ap boule Picture books, LearnKreyol, Kreyol for Teachers, Creole, Pidgins, Aprender el Criollo, Aprender Kreyol, Palabras de Kreyol, Kreyol proverbs, Creole expressions,Creole Phrases, sakpaselearnhaitiancreole, ezhaitiancreole, haitiancreolemp3
KouteKreyol -Listen to Creole Multimedia Press Updates
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Haitian Creole Made Easy
If you want, you can purchase a copy of this book right on Amazon.com
Aprann Kreyòl nan yon Semèn - Learn Haitian Creole in One Week on HaitianCreoleMP3.Libsyn.com
Purchase a copy of Learn Haitian Creole in One Week.
Wi tout moun ka aprann Kreyòl nan yon semèn - Yes everybody can learn Haitian Creole in one week.
Ki jan / Kòman / Kouman nou ka aprann lang sa a si vit? - How can we learn this language so fast?
Si nou renmen etidye, nou ka aprann ni byen vit – If you like to study, you can learn it very fast.
Di’m kisa pou’m fè pou’m kòmanse aprann Kreyòl – Tell me what to do to start learning Creole
Alfabè Kreyòl
a an b ch d e è en f g h i j k l m n ng o ò on ou oun p r s t ui v w y z
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Purchase a PDF Copy of 'Let's Speak Haitian Creole and English in No Time and Without Tears...'
Purchase a copy of 'Let's Learn Haitian Creole in No Time and Without Tears - Ann Pale Kreyol ak Angle PlopPlop epi San Dlo Nan Je'
All delivery will be via emailed.
Purchase a PDF Copy of 'Let's Speak Haitian Creole and English in No Time and Without Tears...'
Purchase a copy of 'Let's Learn Haitian Creole in No Time and Without Tears - Ann Pale Kreyol ak Angle PlopPlop epi San Dlo Nan Je'
All delivery will be via emailed.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Learn Creole to Appreciate Haitian Music: Creole MP3 Lessons for iPhone, Droid Phones, iPad, iPods and Other MP3 Players
Koute yon ti bout chant: Escuchen aqui: Listen to a sample here
Creole MP3 Lessons By Subscription Only: Haitian Creole APP For iPhone, iPod, Zune HD, and Other MP3 Player
Year-round Online Haitian Creole Lessons, Conversations, and Dialogues Made Possible Via Skype or Google Talk or FaceTime:
Remember that practice makes perfect (La practica lleva a la maestria).
Popular Haitian Creole Children's Books

Find Find "Kreyol Pou Timoun, Haitian Creole for Kids at Amazon.com for $9.99.

Find Kreyol Pou Timoun Ak Granmoun, Haitian Creole for Children and Grownups at Amazon.com for $9.99.

Get your copy of "Learn Haitian Creole in One Week" at Amazon.com for $9.99
Here is a review of this book: "Allelluia Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith: Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory... is a listing of the most requested songs or hymns on ChandesperansOnline.com. It is the web site users' and authors' selections of their favorite hymns from the famous Chants d'esperance Francais et Creoles Haitiens. The authors of this release grew up singing these songs in the church and parochial schools they attended. They are songs such as "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" -"Quel Ami Fidele et Tendre Nous Avons en Jesus-Christ," "Quel Repos, Quel Repos" - "It is Well, It is Well...," etc. This book is a personal affair for the authors as they share their love of singing in French and Haitian creole..."
Sing along with Haitian Children! Canten con los chicos Haitianos. This compilation is for those who want to sing along with Haitian Children at christian venues, outreach mission trips, schools, churches and elsewhere. Some of the songs are short choruses...
Start playing some of these choruses on your guitar or piano and the Haitian children will follow you. They will sing with you. All throughout the country, these songs are are sung in most churches or revival centers.
These are songs I used to sing with the children of my Sunday school class. L'ecole du Dimanche or Sunday school can be a lot of fun with the right selection of songs.
Just in case you are interested in having more songs, here is a new book of choruses, short Haitian hymns, Lullaby and Play songs published on this link:
Ala Ou Gran! Ala Ou Gran! How great thou art! How great thou art! Popular Haitian Children’s Choruses, Lullaby, Haitian Creole and French Church Hymns, and Other Play Songs
You can purchase this book from Barnes and Noble's PubIt now
You can buy this book at Amazon Kindle Store now

Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.
Haitian Children's Choruses, Church Songs and Bonus Pack CD
Product ID: 3064
Product Name: Haitian Chants of Hope
Buy Now From CCNow
Product ID: 3068
Product Name: Most Popular Haitian Children's Choruses, Church and Play Songs
Buy Now From CCNow
Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.

List Price: $29.99
5.25" x 8" (13.335 x 20.32 cm)
Black & White on Cream paper
140 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1451536119
ISBN-10: 1451536119
BISAC: Foreign Language Study / Creole Languages
Book Review:
SakPaseLearnHaitianCreole is designed to help beginning and intermediate learners of Haitian Creole get the support they need with the grammar, vocabulary, exercises and phonology of the language. The lessons cover various topics such as daily Haitian life, disaster relief language, family interactions, community life, shopping, medical care and polite or appropriate communication, schools and church activities.
Purchase a copy of this textbook to learn Haitian Creole now: SakPaseLearnHaitianCreole Textbook
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
AnnPaleKreyolAudio and KouteKreyol Multimedia Press Bring You Free Creole Lessons: Lecciones de Creole en MP3 Gratuitas
Creole Lessons? Contact Us at AnnPaleKreyol@Gmail.com
Or at HaitianCreole@Gmail.com
Find additional lessons on Haitian Creole vowels, nasalized vowels and consonants at http://sakpaselearnhaitiancreole.blogspot.com and at ChildrensCreoleBooks.blogspot.com
Free Random Audio of Creole Lesson Episodes:
Storytelling: 2 Haitian Tales - 2 Kont Ayisyen
Haitian Foods - Manje Ayisyen
Thanksgiving Meals Audio
Free Sample Download of Haitian Creole CD
Introduction to Haitian Creole
Questions and Greetings in Creole - How are you? Kijan ou ye?
Haitian Creole Expressions
Audio for Body Parts in Creole
Popular Haitian Creole Expressions: Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule….etc.
Listen to Creole audio
Listen to Kids’ Kreyol - Koute Kreyol pou Timoun
Review of Creole Nasal and Non-nasal Vowels
The Clothes We Wear:
New Year’s Eve Celebrations - Reveyon
Basic Creole Grammar Rules:
How do you say…..in Creole? Kouman nou di…. an Kreyol?
Spanish / Creole Lessons: Del Creole al Espanol
El Bicentenario de Mexico - Bisantne Meksiko
El habito de mascar goma en los Estados Unidos
Escuchen el Creole Haitiano Gratis - Listen to Haitian Creole for free
Free Sample of Haitian Creole Songs Accappela
Koute yon ti bout chant: Escuchen aqui: Listen to a sample here

Thursday, April 10, 2014
Welcome to KouteKreyol Multimedia Press: Sak Pase? N-ap Boule Publishing, Kreyol Books Multimedia for All
Get the audio files (MP3 files) of 'Sak Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook' Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and later 5 below

Koute Kreyol: Listen to Kreyol - Buy 'Sak Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook' Audio: Chapter 4, Part 1
Koute Kreyol: Listen to Kreyol - Buy 'Sak Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook' Audio: Chapter 4, Part 2
Sak Pase? N-ap Boule -Learn Haitian Kreyol Textbook
Listen to Dodo Tipitit Manman! as a sample before buying the new CD!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Listen to Free Creole ebook Audio - Excerpt Pages 8 to 19 From "Learn/Listen to Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions.
In this episode, you will learn about the construction of exclamatory sentences. You will learn about sentences that express strong feelings in Creole. They use an exclamation. In the previous episode (episode #1), you learned about sentences that make a statement, express a command or ask a question.
For example: Ala bon sa bon pou aprann yon lang tankou Kreyol! - How good it is to learn a language such as Haitian Creole!
Other Examples: Ala bon Bondye bon! - How good God is!; Ala gran Bondye gran! - How great God is!
Ala pwisan Bondye pwisan! - How powerful God is!
Here is the structure in Creole: Ala + Adjective or Determiner + Subject + repetition of the adjective or determiner!
You will also review the question words in various exercises.
In this episode, you will also have a review of the HC alphabet and pronunciation. The ebook will provide you with a list of words that accompanies each nasalized or non-nasalized sound. You will also have an exercise to repeat the words correctly.
Finally, you will end this episode with a text that you can listen to. The text is titled, "Mayor Midi's Car (Truck) - Machin Majistra Midi a"
It is a funny story about how his driver and mechanic cared for his truck and how one day it ran out of gas and got stuck in a Thozin, Grand-Goave mud pit. Passersby had to help him push it out, not before they complained about how he had never given them a ride to Petit-Goave, Haiti. Nonetheless, they realized he was a good man who worked hard for the recognition of their city, a great representative of their town in the political affairs of the country.
This ebook was written with your needs in mind. The episodes are designed to allow you to listen to real-life, Haiti-based dialogues about life's issues. You will be placed in local situations where you will have to find the right words to express your thoughts.
"Learn/Listen to Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions, Sayings for Everyone Everywhere - Aprann/Koute Dyalòg MP3, Fraz, Pwovèb, Mo + Odyo Ekspresyon Kreyòl Pou Tout Moun..."
Book Review:
"Learn/Listen to Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions, Sayings for Everyone Everywhere - Aprann/Koute Dyalòg MP3, Fraz, Pwovèb, Mo + Odyo Ekspresyon Kreyòl Pou Tout Moun..." is a podcast-compatible (http://haitiancreolemp3.libsyn.com) series of MP3 dialogues, phrases, words, and audio expressions whose focus is to get you to speak and understand Haitian Creole in a short time. The lessons are designed to get you out of your comfort zone and place you into various Haitian locales where you will most likely hear and practice the language. Each lesson is designed to help you build your vocabulary and increase your cultural knowledge. If you like "Learn Haitian Creole in One Week..." and other similar titles, you will like this ebook too. Go to http://haitiancreolemp3.libsyn.com to get the accompanying audio or MP3 files.
Disclaimer: The author of this ebook, producer of the podcast (haitiancreolemp3.libsyn.com) and this blogger represent the same person. As the author, producer, and blogger, I hereby provide permission to publish and use the above multilingual materials to learn and teach Haitian Creole and English to whomever is interested in learning these languages. My personal mission has been to promote and deepen the study and knowledge of the Haitian language and culture.Monday, December 17, 2012
Nuevo Libro de Creole Escrito en Espanol e Ingles; New Creole Book Written in English and Spanish
Download the paperback and PDF versions of the book now
“Alo! - Hola! - Hello!: Los Verbos y Las Palabras Para Aprender El Creole Haitiano” Este libro fue escrto en Espaňol e Inglés para los que quieren aprender el Creole Haitiano. Fue preparado por Sr. Joseph J. Charles, escritor de “Learn Haitian Creole in one Week – Aprendan el Creole Haitiano Dentro de una Semana… y “¿Que Tal? - Sak Pase? / N-ap Boule! - Bien! What's Up? / We Are Doing Well!
Alo! Hola! Hello! Los Verbos y las Palabras Para Aprender el Creole Haitiano
Alo, Hola, Hello: Los Verbos y las Palabras Para Aprender el Creole Haitiano You can find additional resources at http://haitiancreolemp3.libsyn.com; http://aprenderkreyolhaitiano.blogspot.com; http://urbanbookspublishing.blogspot.com; and http://kreyolpalekreyolkonprann.blogspot.com.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Haitian Creole Worship and Praise Songs – Chan Adorasyon ak Louwanj Kreyol – Canciones de Adoración e Alabanza en Creole – Chants d’adoration et de Louange Créoles
If you are interested in singing Haitian Creole songs, you can get a copy of "Haitian Creole Worship and Praise Songs" here.
Marcel D. Dubois compiled this list of Haitian Creole songs for ChandesperansOnline.com and his Brooklyn-based congregation. Mr. Dubois is a Youth Ministry pastor at a Brooklyn church that serves a diverse group of christians, including Haitians, Jamaicans, and various other Caribbean countries.
If you are interested in singing Haitian Creole songs, you can get a copy of "Haitian Creole Worship and Praise Songs" here.
Chants d’adoration et de Louange Créoles - Haitian Creole Worship and Praise Songs - Chan Adorasyon ak Louwanj Kreyo
Purchase a PDF copy of these songs right here with your Paypal account:
Here is a summary of the songs you are going to find here:
95 Chandesperans: Mouin Pito Gin Jezu Pase Gro Lajan
100 Chan Desperans: Lè Jezu mouri sou kalvè
No. 20 Kreyol Chandesperans: Gnou jou ma suspann chante-m yo
55 Chan Déspérans Kréyòl: Sa-k kapab lave péché-m?
Niméwo 45 – Echos Des Elus: Min pa kapab blié ki koté-m té yé
17 Kreyol Chandesperans: 17 Creole Chants D'esperance: Mouin biin Kontan Ke Papa Mouin nan Sièl
94 Chan Desperans: Mouin ta vle di ou sa Jezu fè pou kè mouin
99 ChanDesperans: Mouin Vle Rakonte Toupatou
99 Chandesperans: Mouin Tap Neye Nan Peche
92 Chandesperans: Map Travay Pou Jezu Nan Vouayaj Mouin
98 Chandesperans: Ou Pa Bezouin Gin Krint ni Pè
74 Chandesperans: A la Gnon Zanmi Se Jezu
5 Chandesperans Kreyol: Moun Ki Mete Nan Jezu
13 Chandesperans Kreyol: Lè n-ap mache ak Dieu nan lumyè pawòl li
Saturday, January 21, 2012
A Cappella Maranatha Songs
Listen to the songs right on FrenchLessonPodcast's Worship and Praise / Adoration et Louange
A Dieu Soit La Gloire / To God Be the Glory....
Maranatha A Cappella Songs of Hope, Praise, Faith, and Joy
No. 27 des Chants d’Espérance (Réveillons-Nous)
A Dieu soit la gloire
Par son grand amour
Dans mon âme noire
S’est levé le jour
Jésus à ma place
Mourut sur la croix
Il m’offre sa grace
Et je la reçois
Gloire à Dieu, Gloire à Dieu!
Terre écoute sa voix!
Gloire à Dieu, Gloire à Dieu!
Monde, réjouis-toi!
Oh! Venez au père
Jésus est vainqueur
Que toute la terre
Chante en son honneur!
De Jésus la joie
Remplit notre Coeur
Qu’importe qu’on voie
Tout notre Bonheur.
Selon sa promesse,
Jésus changera
Deuil en allégresse;
Quand il reviendra.
Céleste patrie,
Mon Coeur pense à toi
Là, mon âme unie
A Jésus son Roi
Bénira sans cesse
Le grand Dieu sauveur
Qui dans sa tendresse
Sauve le pécheur!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Koute Kreyol, Listen to Creole
Get the first 6 chapters of "The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference Audio" for FREE.You can always purchase the CD that accompanies this book below.
Sign up for a DropBox account to be able to listen to this audio for free!
Learn Haitian Creole on your phone or laptop now / Aprendan el Criollo Haitiano con su telefono o su computadora ahora. You can get a free Dropbox app for your iphone, iPad, Android, and Blackberry smartphone. So look for the right app in the Appstore.
You can listen to all three audio versions/all 14 chapters of the book by purchasing your access now. A link will be emailed to you so you can listen to the book on DropBox.com or a DropBox app on your phone or iPad. Make sure you sign up for a free Dropbox.com account.
Producer's Creole Audio Prime: Get a recurring monthly subscription of private Romance Languages / Haitian Creole Audio Posts on http://audiobookweb.blogspot.com. Sign up at PayPal with your email address so we can add you. After receiving your payment, we will add your email so you can get the selected creole audio lesson posts
Purchase a copy of "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" (Textbook only) from AmazonKindle now as a Kindle ebook.
Purchase a copy of "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference (Textbook only) from Barnes and Noble as a Nook Book.
Purchase a copy of "The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" from right here
Purchase the accompanying CDs for this book: Listen to the audiobook in your car
Disc ID: 6069
Disc Name: Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audiobook Part 2- Purchase CD to Listen to Chapters 1-11 from “The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference” Audiobook Buy Now From CCNow
Disc ID: 6068
Disc Name: The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audiobook: Purchase CD to Listen to Chapters 12-14 from “The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference” Audiobook Buy Now From CCNow
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus - Anyen Pase San Jezu-Kri
55 Chandesperans Kreyòl
55 Chandesperans Kreyòl: Sa-k kapab lave peche-m? Anyen Pase San Jezu-Kri (Nothing but the blood of Jesus...)
1. Sa-k kapab lave peche-m?
Anyen pase san Jezu-Kri
Sa-k kapab geri tout kè-m?
Anyen pase san Jezu-Kri
San ki chè pase lò
Ki wete-m nan lanmò;
Nanpwen lòt sous ankò
Anyen pase san Jezu-Kri
2. Pou padon mwen, sa mwen wè
Anyen pase san Jezu-Kri
Pou netwaye-m, sa-m mande?
Anyen pase san Jezu-Kri
3. Sa-k pou peye dèt peche?
Anyen pase san Jezu-Kri
Se pa-t bon zèv mwen te fè
Anyen pase san Jezu-kri
4. Sa-k ban-m lespwa ak lapè
Anyen pase san Jezu-Kri
Sa-k fè Justis mwen ase?
Anyen pase san Jezu-Kri
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Doukounou or Cornmeal Pudding; Tonmtonm or Puree of Breadfruit
Purchase a copy of "Haitian Foods and Fruits, Haitian Creole Cuisine and Haitian Recipes from Amazon Kindle now
Doukounou or Cornmeal Pudding; Tonmtonm or Puree of Breadfruit
Doukounou is what is called Cornmeal pudding in English. Since the doukounou is not sweet or savory, we usually eat it with a sweet sauce.
How do we make our doukounou?
We wrap small portions of a thick mixture of cornmeal in banana leaves. Then we steamed them for about 28-35 minutes.
What ingredients do we need to make enough doukounou or Cornmeal pudding for 6 or people?
We need the following ingredients: 1 medium cup of yellow cornmeal, 2 cups of whole milk, 2 cups of evaporated milk, 1 cup of fresh coconut milk, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1 cup of whipping cream, 1 large egg beaten, 1 teaspoon puree vanilla extract.
Mix all of the above.
Make sure you grease the insert of the pudding mold with enough margarine.
Purchase a copy of "Haitian Foods and Fruits, Haitian Creole Cuisine and Haitian Recipes from Amazon Kindle now
Friday, August 5, 2011
Koute Kreyol - Listen to Haitian Creole - Escuchen el Criollo Haitiano (creol)
This is just a sample of the excerpt from the textbook, "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference: Ann Pale Kreyol Chak Jou - Let's Learn Haitian Creole Every Day" which can be found right on Amazon Kindleand Barnes and Noble Nook Book.
The excerpt is from pages 180-186
Find the rest of this episode on http://newwaveselfpublishing.blogspot.com, http://newwavepublishing.blogspot.com,http://kreyolpalekreyolkonprann.blogspot.com, and http://childrenscreolebooks.blogspot.com
Addendum #2: Dyalòg ak Vokabulè
Dyalòg ak Vokabulè
Toma ak Titonton rankontre – Toma and Titonton met
Toma: Bonjou, Titonton. Ki jan ou ye jodi-a? (Hello, Titonton. How are you today ?)
Titonton: M’ byen. E ou menm? Ban-m nouvèl papa ou ? (I’m fine. And you ? How is your father?)
Toma : M byen wi. Papa-m pa gaya (I am fine. My father is not well. He is ill)
Titonton: Ki jan Marimat ye? Eske l’ap demele-l? (How is Marimat? Is she getting along?)
Toma: Marimat byen wi. L’ap kenbe (Marimat is fine. She is getting along)
Titonton: Sa fè lontan nou pa wè. S’ak pase ? (We have not seen each other for a long time. What’s up?
Toma: Monchè, m’ap boule (my dear, I am managing)
Titonton: Bon, monchè, ban-m nouvèl mennaj ou a ? (Okay, dear, how about your girlfriend ? )
Toma : Nou te kraze sa (We had a breakup or we broke up)
Titonton: Depi kilè ou pa ansanm avèk li ? (How long have you not been with her ?)
Toma: Ou enterese nan li? (Are you interested in her?)
Titonton: M pa menm konn non-l, non. Ki jan’ l rele ankò? (I do not even know her name. What’s her name?)
Toma: Li rele Jaklin. (Her name is Jaklin)
Titonton: An Kreyòl, se Jaklin. An fransè, se Jacqueline. (In Creole, it’s Jaklin. In French, it’s Jacqueline)
Toma : Monchè, kite-m kraze rak / Kite-m ale ! (my dear friend, let me take leave of you. Let me go!”
Titonton: Oke Toma. N’a wè mwa pwochen si Bon Dye vle. (See you next month, God willing !)
Toma: Oke. N’a wè nan inivèsite-a (Right. See you at the university).
Additional Haitian Creole Expressions and Explanations:
M’ap kenbe – I’m getting along
M’ap boule – I am managing
Mwen la / m la – I’m okay
M pa pi mal - I am no worse
M byen – I am fine
Wi – yes
Non – no
Explanations of Wi and Non in a sentence:
Use “Wi – yes” with positive declaration sentences. Non is used with negative declarative sentences.
Exercises – Egzèsis:
Ki sa? What ? Sa ? what?
Ki sa sa-a ye? What is this ?
Sa ou pral fè lavil? (What are you going to do downtown ?)
Sa ou ap chache la-a? (What are you looking for here ?)
Sa ou bezwen? Sa w bezwen? Ki sa ou bezwen? (What do you need ?)
Ki sa ou fè lè ou malad ? What do you do when you get sick ?
M-al nan dispansè-a / I go to the healthy station.
Repete – Repeat
Ki sa sa-a ye?
Se yon zeguy – It is a needle
Ki sa sa-a ye?
Se yon mato – It is a hammer
Eske gen yon tibokit sou sab la? Is there a pale on the sand ?
Ki kote? Kote? Ki bò? Where?
Ki kote ou travay? Where?
Ki kote ou ap travay? Ki bò ou ap travay ? Where are you working ?
M’ap travay nan izin nan – I am working in the factory
Ki kote ou prale? – Where are you going?
M pral legliz (church)
M pral nan mache (market)
M pral Pòtoprens (Port-au-Prince
M pral anba lavil (downtown)
M pral lapòs (Post office)
M pral lekòl (school)
M pral danse nan rara (popular music and dance)
M pral nan kanaval (carnival)
M pral Fòlibète – I am going to Fort Liberté
M pral Kap Ayisyen. Kap Ayisyen nan nò peyi dayiti
Ki kote lèkay ye? Lèkay nan sid peyi a
Ki kote Jakmèl ye?
Ki kote Gonayiv ye?
Ki bò Jeremi ye?
Ki sa ou pral fè lavil ?
M pral voye yon lèt ak yon kasèt bay manman-m k’ap viv Nouyòk ( I am going to send a letter and a casette tape to my mother who is living in New York)
M pran nan mache Fè pou-m sa achte materyèl lekòl pou timoun yo (I am going to the Iron Market to buy school supplies for the kids)
Nòt Kreyol: Translation of the Preposition “To” indicating motion to a place:
Kreyòl uses “Nan” before the noun indicating the place to express motion to a place. Also, keep in mind that nouns that refer to specified, unique places usually do not need the definite article. For example, I am going to church – M pral legliz; I am going to school – M pral lekòl.
Ki kote konpè Jak prale? Where brother Jak going ?
Li pral travay nan jaden li - He is going to work in his garden.
Poukisa – Why?
Poukisa tout timoun sa yo ap mache yonn dèyè lòt konsa? Y-ap mache an fil endyen – Why are all these kids walking in line like this ?
Se yon pwosesyon. Gen yon mès nan legliz katolik la – It is a procession. There is a mass at the catholic church.
Pè-a pral bay lamès – The priest is going to preside over the mass
Ki moun ki / Ki moun - Who
Ki moun ki pral Kanada? Who is going to Canada?
Ki moun ou vle envite nan fèt ou a ? Whom do you want to invite to your party ?
Ki moun ki vle ede-m? Who wants to help me?
Ki moun ki konn danse ? Who knows how to dance ?
Eske ou konnen yon moun ki konn pale alman? (Do you know somebody who knows German ?)
Ki moun ki pale fransè nan legliz la ? Who speaks French in church ?
Pa gen moun ki pale fransè ak alman nan legliz la – There is nobody who speaks French and German in the church
Possessive in Creole
Whose is it? Se pou ki moun?
(Belonging to, pertaining to, indicating possession)
Bato sa-a se pou Jan. Se bato Jan.
Se rad Tipapa. Rad sa-a se pou Tipapa
Notes / Nòt: An easy way to understand and express possession in Haitian Creole is to have the noun referring to what is owned followed by the name of the owner. If a pronoun follows a noun, it is used as a possessive adjective.
Examples: Se lajan/kòb Delòm. Se kòb li – (It’s Delòm’s money. It is his money)
Se chokola Manno ak Wobè. Se chokola yo – It is Manno and Robert’s chocolate. It is their chocolate.
Se vwazin Terèz – Se vwazin li – She is Teresa’s neighbor. She is her neighbor
Se liv Joslen. Se liv li – It is Jocelyn’s book. It is his.
Se mallet Jisten. Se malèt li – It is Justin’s suitcase. It is his suitcase.
Konbyen? – How much / How many?
Konbyen rad ou wè nan chanm nan? - How many pieces of cloth do you see in the room ?
M wè yon chemiz (shirt), yon pè pantalon (pants), yon mayo (t-shirt), yon pè soulye (a pair of shoes), de pè sapat (a pair of thongs), yon kravat (tie), de jip (skirt) yon pè chosèt (socks), yon pè tenis (a pair of tennis shoes) epi yon ba (stockings)
Other forms of possession: Asking questions
Pou ki moun kay sa yo ye? Poukiyès kay sa yo ye? Whose are those houses?
Pou ki moun plim sa-a ye? Poukiyès plim sa-a ye? Whose is this pen?
Pou ki moun kreyon sa-a ye? Poukiyès kreyon sa-a ye? Whose is this pencil?
Sa yo se kay leta (kay gouvènman) – These are government houses /buidings
Pouki moun plaj sa yo ye? Poukiyès plaj sa yo ye? Se plaj prive
Whose are these beaches? They are private beaches
Eske ou gen yon bagay? Do you have anything (something)?
Non. M pa gen anyen – No, I do not have anything
Saturday, July 23, 2011
WorldWideHatianCreoleClasses Teaches Haitian Creole with "Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule Learn Haitian Creole Textbook"
List Price: $29.99
5.25" x 8" (13.335 x 20.32 cm)
Black & White on Cream paper
140 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1451536119
ISBN-10: 1451536119
BISAC: Foreign Language Study / Creole Languages
Book Review:
SakPaseLearnHaitianCreole is designed to help beginning and intermediate learners of Haitian Creole get the support they need with the grammar, vocabulary, exercises and phonology of the language. The lessons cover various topics such as daily Haitian life, disaster relief language, family interactions, community life, shopping, medical care and polite or appropriate communication, schools and church activities.
Purchase a copy of this textbook to learn Haitian Creole now: SakPaseLearnHaitianCreole Textbook
Monday, July 4, 2011
Haitian Creole on CD: Ann Pale Yon Ti Kreyol
Product ID: 3133
Product Name: Ann Pale Yon Ti Kreyol CD - Ann Pale Kreyol Audio
Ann Pale Yon Ti Kreyol CD is adapted from the textbook," Ann Pale Yon Ti Kreyol"
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Product ID: 3122
Product Name: 3122: Learn Haitian Creole in one Week CD
Learn Haitian Creole in One Week CD uses the textbook, "Learn Haitian Creole in One Week"
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